CPR Supplies

Oxygen Tanks
| Oxygen Units |
CPR Kits
|CPR Kits|
CPR Manikins
| CPR Manikins |
CPR Masks
|CPR Masks|
CPR Face Shield on Keychains
| CPR Keychains|
CPR Supplies

About Us
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Welecome to CPR SUPPLIES. Your source for CPR masks, CPR Face shields, CPR Kits, AED's, Oxygen Units and CPR manikins. We offer cutting-edge quality CPR equipment at the best online prices for CPR instructors, emergency safety services, government agencies, businesses, schools and families.

Our CPR Products are used by Lifeguard Agencies, Paramedics, Fire Departments and hospitals who depend on top quality products for every emergency situation. Whether you are an individual learning CPR for the first time, a business purchasing safety equipment for the staff, or a paramedic practicing CPR skills for the paramedic EMT exam, CPR SUPPLIES is for you. We offer a wide range of CPR products to fit every need from professional rescuer to the family member.

Our mission is to ensure the health and safety of businesses and families worldwide.

Oxygen Units
CPR Mannequins

If you wish to search from the list of popular CPR brand names, Click on your favorite CPR manufacturer below.

Ambu Manikins & Supplies
CPR Prompt Manikins & Supplies
Laerdal Manikins & Supplies

We also feature a wide variety of first aid supplies at

CPR Savers & First Aid Supply

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The information provided on this website is presented 'as is' and we are not held responsible for any mistakes or misprints. This includes any incorrect pricing or product descriptions. CPR Savers & First Aid Supply disclaims all warranties, express or implied, or any kind with respect to the website and its use. You agree that CPR Savers & First Aid Supply, its officers, employees, and representatives will not be held liable for damages arising from the use of this content and its information.



CPR Supplies - info@cpr-supplies.com
Toll-Free: 1-800-480-1277     Fax: 1-480-275-7002

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CPR Supplies, a division of CPR Savers & First Aid Supply.